We take very seriously our duty to protect and safeguard anyone in a vulnerable position. W3RT is committed to: 

  • Providing a safe environment for everyone visiting its premises, including children, young people and vulnerable adults; 
  • Identifying children and young or vulnerable adults who are suffering, or likely to suffer, harm; 
  • Taking appropriate action to help ensure that children and young or vulnerable adults are kept safe; 

You may have a concern about yourself, another adult or a child. Your concern can relate to any context. Abuse can take many forms including: 

  • Physical abuse 
  • Domestic violence or abuse 
  • Sexual abuse 
  • Psychological or emotional abuse 
  • Financial or material abuse 
  • Modern slavery 
  • Discriminatory abuse 
  • Organisational or institutional abuse 
  • Neglect and acts of omission 
  • Self-neglect 

If you raise any safeguarding concern with us, we will support and advise you and ensure that your concerns are properly addressed. 

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is: 

Sandra Clarke   07538 941345 

If you have an immediate concern that someone is in danger, please call the police immediately using the emergency number 999. 

Click here  to view W3RT safeguarding policy.