When S.J reached out to use the Digital Inclusion service she knew how to use her laptop and phone but was not very confident. When discussing how the Digital Inclusion service would be beneficial S.J informed us she is not sure about how updates work and what should and shouldn't be done.  She also discussed setting up things like BBC iPlayer on her set top box, phone and laptop so she can use the same login on all devices as she has trouble remembering them. We discussed how she may benefit from spending more time looking at the apps on her phone so she knows what is required and essential for her needs. 

One of our newer volunteers M accepted her request and arranged a session. M helped her to back up documents, set up apps and ensured her laptop was updated and showed her how to know when further updates are needed. M also ensured her request of linking her electrical devices was fulfilled.

We spoke with S.J after her session and she said: “It has given me a huge confident boost and made my laptop work more efficiently again.”

We also got in touch with M to see the benefits of Digital Inclusion from the volunteer side "I have this great opportunity to help and support people in my local community, whilst they are learning or re-learning how to use the digital equipment that they have. I am hopefully making them feel more comfortable and safe using these devices. Seeing them learning this no matter what their age or experience is what makes it worth while.”

If you would like to use the service, please complete this form.

If you would like to volunteer for the service, please sign up here.