Trustee’s Week runs every year from the 7th to the 11th November 2022 and is a time for us to come together to celebrate the achievements of over 1 million trustees across the UK. The theme this year is making a difference in changing times. As our external environment continues to change, we face new challenges.

The positive impact trustees make is invaluable to a sector that is now as important as ever to benefit society. Thank you for the time, commitment and effort you bring to your charities to help them thrive. For more about national activities and events, click here. If you are looking for support and guidance on all things trustees, click here

In Hertfordshire, there are a series of events taking place which you could get involved in:

Hertfordshire Community Foundation are also running training sessions for trustees as well as their other programmes such their Better Boards Programme and Action Learning Sets. For all the details, click here

As always, please do not hesitate to contact the CVS Team about how we can support your organisations with recruiting new trustees or developing your trustee board so they are best placed to be able to support your organisations. You can email us at [email protected] or call 07908 209908.

Alex Murray


Lead for W3RT CVS in Watford. Helping to strengthen and support the local voluntary sector.