W3RT’s Community Directory provides details of local groups/organisations who are mainly voluntary that are either based in the Watford and Three Rivers area or are active within the area. Whether you are searching for information and support in the local area for personal purposes or for a charity for your company/school to support (fundraise/volunteer for), the directory makes it easy to find such a group/organisation. We have assigned each of the groups/organisations with a theme based on the work that they do in the community, and you can filter the entries by theme. Alternatively, you can scroll through the entries to find the group/organisation you are looking for.  Please see the attached FAQ document for further information

Whilst we endevour to keep the information on these pages as up-to-date as possible, there may be occasions where we are unable to do so. In these situations, please contact [email protected] and we will update the details accordingly. Additionally, please let us know if you would do not want your organisation listed within the directory