Did you know that in the last year's State of the Sector Survey, 94% of organisations stated that they recommend other organisations to use Golden Volunteer to recruit volunteers for your organisation?
"Therefore, an app like Golden Volunteer which is very easy to use is a huge asset for us as an organisation. In fact, we have just recently recruited four new volunteers through the platform who will be joining our organisations in the near future."
That's a couple of quotes and statistics about Golden Volunteer, our online volunteer recruitment platform for voluntary and communtity organisations in Watford and Three Rivers.
For organisations currently using Golden Volunteer or for organisations wanting to know more about Golden Volunteer, we will be hosting a drop-in clinic on the 10th October 2023 between 10am and 12pm at the Holywell Community Centre in Watford where you can ask the CVS Team any questions you have about the platform, how you could use it for your own organisations or to answer any specific questions you may have about Golden Volunteer.
If you want to come along, you just need to drop in, however we encourage you to RSVP through this page so that we can ensure one of the CVS team will be available to support you.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing [email protected]